Air 3



Shield Coverage: Copper braided shielding

Shielding Type: Individual conductor shielding

Insulation: Dupont TEFLON and Low dielectric Polyethylene

Extensive use of natural minerals: Germanium, Amethyst and Binchotan

Electron Rectification Processing (ERP): Level 1

IEC Connector: Wattgate 320i 15A

AC Connector: Marinco8215T Hospital Grade

Option: Wattgate 320i HC 20A

North America/Europe sleeving color: Available in Clear over Black, Clear over White or Black

Asia sleeving color: Clear over Orange


Unser Credo:

Primus Inter Pares





LEN Hifi – Vertrieb exklusiver Musiksysteme

Björn Kraayvanger

Herkenweg 6

47226 Duisburg

info [at]


Tel.: +49 (0) 2065 / 544 139

Fax: +49 (0) 2065 / 544 141

Mobil: +49 (0) 176 / 64 77 22 61




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